UN PRI Signatory


Fulcrum is committed to advancing the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) by helping Private Equity clients integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations throughout their investment process.


About the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

The 6 Principles for Responsible Investment offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice, where consistent with fiduciary responsibilities. As a service provider, Fulcrum Consulting Group commits to providing, developing and promoting services that support a clients’ implementation of the PRI.

  • Possible actions:

    • Address ESG issues in investment policy statements.

    • Support development of ESG-related tools, metrics, and analyses.

    • Assess the capabilities of internal investment managers to incorporate ESG issues.

    • Assess the capabilities of external investment managers to incorporate ESG issues.

    • Ask investment service providers (such as financial analysts, consultants, brokers, research firms, or rating companies) to integrate ESG factors into evolving research and analysis.

    • Encourage academic and other research on this theme.

    • Advocate ESG training for investment professionals.

  • Possible actions:

    • Develop and disclose an active ownership policy consistent with the Principles.

    • Exercise voting rights or monitor compliance with voting policy (if outsourced).

    • Develop an engagement capability (either directly or through outsourcing).

    • Participate in the development of policy, regulation, and standard setting (such as promoting and protecting shareholder rights).

    • File shareholder resolutions consistent with long-term ESG considerations.

    • Engage with companies on ESG issues.

    • Participate in collaborative engagement initiatives.

    • Ask investment managers to undertake and report on ESG-related engagement.

  • Possible actions:

    • Ask for standardised reporting on ESG issues (using tools such as the Global Reporting Initiative).

    • Ask for ESG issues to be integrated within annual financial reports.

    • Ask for information from companies regarding adoption of/adherence to relevant norms, standards, codes of conduct or international initiatives (such as the UN Global Compact).

    • Support shareholder initiatives and resolutions promoting ESG disclosure.

  • Possible actions:

    • Include Principles-related requirements in requests for proposals (RFPs).

    • Align investment mandates, monitoring procedures, performance indicators and incentive structures accordingly (for example, ensure investment management processes reflect long-term time horizons when appropriate).

    • Communicate ESG expectations to investment service providers.

    • Revisit relationships with service providers that fail to meet ESG expectations.

    • Support the development of tools for benchmarking ESG integration.

    • Support regulatory or policy developments that enable implementation of the Principles.

  • Possible actions:

    • Support/participate in networks and information platforms to share tools, pool resources, and make use of investor reporting as a source of learning.

    • Collectively address relevant emerging issues.

    • Develop or support appropriate collaborative initiatives.

  • Possible actions:

    • Disclose how ESG issues are integrated within investment practices.

    • Disclose active ownership activities (voting, engagement, and/or policy dialogue).

    • Disclose what is required from service providers in relation to the Principles.

    • Communicate with beneficiaries about ESG issues and the Principles.

    • Report on progress and/or achievements relating to the Principles using a comply-or-explain approach.

    • Seek to determine the impact of the Principles.

    • Make use of reporting to raise awareness among a broader group of stakeholders

ESG integration is naturally aligned to private equity through its long-term investment horizon and stewardship-based style.

“The PRI defines responsible investment as a strategy and practice to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions and active ownership. With a strong emphasis on stewardship, and close contact between the GP and company management, private equity is naturally suited to responsible investment. A systematic and informed approach to identifying and managing ESG issues across the portfolio will protect, and can significantly enhance, investment value. Responsible investment is also a marker of the operational excellence of the fund itself, demonstrating transparent and strategic fund management.”

Source: UNPRI.org

Case Study: ESG Due Diligence Review